Saturday, October 21, 2023

15 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care Every Day - Even When You're Busy


Taking care of yourself shouldn’t feel like another item on your to-do list. But between work, family responsibilities, and our always-connected devices, it’s easy to put your own needs at the bottom of your priority list. Over time, neglecting self-care can start to take a real toll on both your mental and physical health. 

As someone who used to subscribe to the "busy" badge of honor, I know that making time for yourself when minutes feel precious is no small feat. That’s why I’m sharing some very simple daily habits you can build into your routine, without having to clear your schedule for a spa day or marathon meditation session. Small actions done consistently have power to reduce stress and boost your sense of well-being, even on your busiest days.

If feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, or just "meh" is starting to feel like your default, it may be a sign you need to consciously work self-care into your life in an easy, sustainable way. The good news is you don’t have to go all-in with a radical lifestyle change to reap benefits. I’ve found that practicing just one or two of these ideas each day can help me feel less hurried and more present, even on my most rushed mornings.

My hope in sharing these small self-care strategies is to help you, my readers, feel happier and healthier - even on those days where time is in shortest supply. Let’s alleviate some of the pressure you put on yourself to accomplish it all by prioritizing little moments of care for your mind and body, one day at a time. Turn the page to discover 15 easy daily habits to help you love yourself with no fanfare required.

15 simple daily self-care habits anyone can work into their routine

  1. Start your day by drinking a glass of water. Hydration is key to health and focus, so make drinking 16-20oz of H2O the first thing on your to-do list.
  2. Take deep breaths when you feel stressed. Just 5 slow inhales and exhales can calm jittery nerves. Try it in the car, at your desk, wherever you feel tension arising. 
  3. Move your body for 5 minutes. Stretch your arms and legs while the coffee brews, dance to an upbeat song as you get dressed, or take a walk around the block on your break.
  4. Compliment yourself in the mirror. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but learning to appreciate your own unique qualities boosts confidence and mood.
  5. Schedule fun activities. Block off time for hobbies like cooking a new recipe, reading for pleasure, crafting, or gaming - activities to look forward to after responsibilities.
  6. Listen to uplifting music on your commute. Music you enjoy puts you in a good headspace to start the day or helps the drive home pass more quickly. 
  7. Use your lunch break to call a friend. Social connection is important for well-being, so check in with a pal even if just for 15 minutes over sandwiches at your desks.
  8. Keep healthy snacks on hand. Snacking on nuts, fresh fruit, veggie sticks or granola keeps your energy up so you’re less likely to overeat later. 
  9. Establish a consistent sleep schedule. Sticking to a schedule helps you feel restored and makes mornings less hectic.
  10. Soak your feet with Epsom salts. Relax tight muscles with 10 minutes of foot soaking and deep breathing after a long day.
  11. Unwind with inspirational reading. Just 10 pages of an uplifting book before bed helps release the day’s tension.  
  12. Light scented candles. Their calm aromas create an oasis, even in small spaces.
  13. Stretch when you feel stiff. Gently lengthen tight areas for relief anytime, anywhere.
  14. Step outside briefly. Fill your senses with nature's soothing sights, sounds and scents, even for a few minutes.
  15. Practice gratitude and kindness. Reflecting on blessings, however small, and spreading goodwill lifts spirits.


The 15 ways I outlined today are just a starting point - they barely scratch the surface of all the small acts of self-care available to us. But my hope is that highlighting simple daily habits you can easily build into your busy routines, far from exclusive handstanding yoga studios or long soaks, feels reassuring. It's an important reminder that you deserve permission to love yourself with care, respect and compassion, whether your days are busy or peaceful.  

Many of us get hung up on chasing quick fixes or all-encompassing transformations, putting undue pressure on ourselves to experience instant perfection or totally empty schedules. But the daily decisions we make - choosing kindness over comparison, drinking water over coffee, making time for social connections over screens - add up to massive impacts on our wellbeing over the long run. So be gentle and grateful with yourself as you experiment and see what fits your lifestyle best.

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all approach since life remains unpredictable. But selecting just one or two low-effort practices to regularly incorporate each week can chip away at stress, boost appreciation for your body, and help you feel less frazzled, better rested and truly comfortable in your own skin - without needing any fancy label or dramatic gesture. Thank you for taking the time to read today. May keeping simple daily self-care top of mind help you love your glorious, imperfect self right where you are each day. I hope we can continue exploring together more ways of nourishing mind, body and spirit.

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